Cleaning Guides & Marketing Support, We’re Here For You.
Keeping a care environment clean at all times has always been crucial, however this has never been more prevalent than right now. The global outbreak of covid19 has highlighted the importance of general hygiene practices within these establishments. Which are often crowded and involve close contact between vulnerable individuals.
To ensure a healthy and safe environment, daily cleaning of all surfaces is vital as they will contain traces of bacteria that spread disease and infections.
It is commonly known that applying a colour coded system to segregate sensitive areas from one-another is the most efficient and effective ways of reducing the risk of cross contamination. However with so many products available and a variety of areas to consider within a care home, it can sometimes be difficult to know which products are the most appropriate for each task.
With this in mind we have put together a care home specific guide, to aid purchasing decisions and help ensure that care environments are as clean and hygienic as possible. The guide outlines the many different areas to be considered and recommends which are the most appropriate for each task.
The guide can be downloaded and printed directly from our website, or physical copies are available on request*. (*limited to 10 per customer)
Ramon is committed to providing top quality products and first class service to all of our customers. We hope this guide proves useful to both yourselves and customers. However should you wish to own brand the document, then please contact marketing@ramonhygiene.co.uk. We will be happy to produce a press quality PDF free of charge, complete with your logo and company details upon request.
We appreciate this is a difficult time for many businesses, especially smaller organisations with limited resource, which is why we would like to help however we can. We have many marketing services available to customers free of charge. From the production of a bespoke trade favourites brochures, telesales information sheets, product flyers or product social media graphics. Whatever your requirements, let us know and we will try to support you however we can.