Tag - healthcare

Sustainable Approach To Manufacturing

It’s estimated that on average, each Briton throws away 1kg of textiles every year. Fast fashion and the increasing desire to buy new clothes more frequently are leading to higher volumes of textile waste across the planet. So, what happens to all these unwanted and discarded garments? Unfortunately, the vast majority end up in landfills, with a reported 5% of landfill space taken up by textile waste. Only 8% of old clothes are reused, and just 10% are recycled globally*. From...



The NHS has chosen P-Wave to put the message “Blood in your pee? Contact your GP practice” on there popular Slant6 urinal mats in thousands of men’s toilets across the country. Pubs, restaurants, shops, hotels and sports stadiums will be among the public places using the lifesaving mats with men’s workplaces also targeted. Passing blood in urine – even just once – is a common symptom for bladder, kidney or prostate cancers, which are all among the ten most prevalent cancers in the country, and generally...


Evolution of Colour Coding

Originally developed by The British Institute Of Cleaning Science (BICSc) over 30 years ago was a universal colour code that would be recommended for use across the cleaning industry. The principle behind colour coded cleaning is the process of designating colours to cleaning equipment in certain areas of a venue, reducing the spread of germs and increasing hygiene throughout an establishment. Using a single mop to clean every floor in a restaurant, for example, can spread bacteria from the washrooms and toilets...